I give permission for the SENCo to contact other professionals involved with my child. (e.g. Health visitor)
We take a lot of photos of the children to record their achievements and making class books. These are only used within the setting - we do not use photo for publicity without specific permission.
If applicable a photo, name and brief description of dietary allergies/requirements are displayed by the kitchen snack bar and first aid box in the kitchen.
In the event of an accident or emergency involving my child I understand that every effort will be made to contact me immediately. Emergency services will be called as necessary and I understand my child may be taken to hospital accompanied by the setting manager (or authorised deputy) for emergency treatment and that health professionals are responsible for any decisions on medical treatment in my absence.
I give permission for a member of staff who has been appropriately trained to administer the inhaler/epipen or apapen (supplied by me) to my child
We would like to send you information about Towntree Such as newsletters or invitations to events. Please tick the relevant boxes to indicate if and how you are happy for us to contact you
I confirm all details provided are correct