Dragonfly Pre-School encourage staff and children to enjoy the sun safely, as they benefit from having free access to the garden and regularly visiting the neighbouring field. During the months of March to October it is a necessity that parents provide their child/children with a good quality named sun hat each session their child attends, or their sun hat can be kept in their child’s named drawer for the duration (Legionnaire or floppy brimmed hats provide the best sun protection). Parents must ensure their child/children are adequately covered in sun protection by applying a sun cream or sun lotion (minimum protection of SPF30) before attending any Preschool session, as Pre-School staff are not allowed to administer sun cream or sun lotion to any child . Children without sun cream, sun lotion or sun hats may be prevented, for their own safety, from participating in outdoor activities or having their unlimited access to outside areas restricted, especially if already showing signs of sun burn (pinkness, peeling).
Throughout these months staff will optimise the shaded areas provided by the building and trees and create additional sheltered areas within our garden by providing ‘Den’ making materials and draping various materials to protect areas from direct sunlight. Staff will continually monitor children for signs and symptoms of sun and heat overexposure and will act accordingly by bringing the child inside, encouraging them to drink and sit quietly and/or phoning the parent to collect if needed.
The staff will ensure there is a continuous supply of fresh drinking water that children can freely access at all times of the session. We recognize sunburn as a burn that is preventable, painful and can cause lasting consequences. That is why we will record all sunburn presented on arrival to the setting or noticed before access to the garden in our ‘Existing Injuries book’ which documents the day, time, reason and will be signed by both the manager or leader of the session and parent.
In winter, autumn and in all weathers children still have free access to our garden so please ensure your child/children have appropriate clothing so they can fully participate - eg a named warm and/or waterproof coat, wellingtons or footwear to keep their feet dry and layers of clothes to keep them warm.